Special Education
Special Education is the practice of educating students in a manner designed specifically to their individual differences based on an area of impairment and a need for special education.
This process utilizes an Individual Education Plan (IEP) which is a monitored arrangement of teaching procedures, adapted equipment and materials, accessible settings, and other interventions designed to help learners with an impairment achieve success.
Please contact your building principal if you have questions or would like to discuss a special education referral for your child.
Special Education Referral Form
504 Plan
Some students with learning issues don’t need special education or individualized instruction (and an IEP), however they might still need support or accommodations for learning.
A 504 plan documents the support the school will provide which allow the student equal access to the general education curriculum.
If you’d like more information about 504 plans, please contact your building principal.
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