Fri. March 14th
FSO March Madness
Silverbrook - Time TBD
We are thankful for a plentiful supply of food donations.
Please contact Mrs. Beltmann with any book donations:
(See attachment)
Meetings will be held
on the second Tuesday of the month
at 5:45pm
Fair Park Family School Organization Board Members 2024-2025
President: Amy Pollard
Vice President: Gen Schroeder
Treasurer: Randi Ruppert
Secretary: Kaity Sullivan
Communications: Ashley Roos
The bus routes and information will be posted on August 27th. An email will be sent to all families once this information is available in Skyward. Riteway will be unable to help you with route information until that time.
For bus route information or to update your transportation request, contact Riteway via email at Please send all transportation questions for Riteway to the email.
For technical questions and comments regarding this website, including accessibility concerns, please contact the Webmaster.