Welcome new families!
Enrollment is open for the current 2024-2025 school year and the upcoming 2025-2026 school year.
Follow the link to your child's grade level below.
Here are some helpful tips to review before completing the application:
We recommend using a device with a keyboard, not a cellphone, to complete the application. The public library has laptops available, or if needed, contact the District Registrar 262-306-2612 to make an appointment to use a laptop at our office.
It is helpful to gather the following required documents so you may upload them to your application. Documents may be provided separately, but applications are incomplete until all documents are provided.
- Child's birth certificate1
- Child's immunization records2
- Parent/Guardian proof of residency3
- Additional documents may also be uploaded (Guardianship, custody, or other legal documents, foster placement, IEPs, etc.)
Additional information that is helpful to have accessible when completing the application:
- Name and phone number of the school your child most recently attended
- Name, phone number, address, date of birth, email of both parents
- Name and phone number of at least one person (other than child's parent) to be listed as an emergency contact - parents will be contacted first in case of emergency
- Health information (for example, names of prescriptions taken by child - at school and home, allergies, etc.)
- Name, phone number and address of childcare provider (ONLY for 4K students requesting transportation to or from their childcare provider)
- Incoming 5th - 8th grade - student input will be necessary for course selection
Early Learning (4K, Head Start, Early Childhood Special Education) Enrollment
1 Information on obtaining a Wisconsin birth certificate may be found at the link below. You may also contact the Washington County Register of Deeds at 262-335-4318, or your local Register of Deeds.
2 If your child has received all their immunizations in Wisconsin, we can access their record on the Wisconsin Immunization Registry and we will do so on your behalf. Records of immunizations received outside of Wisconsin must be provided.
3 One of the parent names on the enrollment form must be on the residency document. Per School Board Policy, acceptable documents include: wage statement; water, gas, electric, cable, or landline phone bill; signed residential lease agreement including landlord contact information and term of lease (must be valid at time of enrollment), government correspondence such as property tax bill, SSI, food share or housing assistance letter. Residency documents must be dated within 3 months of enrollment date. Cell phone bills, a driver's license, a photo of an envelope, and change of address forms are NOT acceptable as proof of residency.
If experiencing homelessness or are otherwise unable to provide proof of residency, contact the District Registrar for assistance.
Please contact the District Registrar at 262-306-2612 or with questions.
**If your family is currently enrolled in the West Bend School District and needs to report a change of address, please complete this form.
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