The Board of Education of the West Bend School District unanimously approved to certify the 2016 tax levy of $37,931,947 at the October 26, 2015 Board of Education meeting. The approved levy is $1,367,913 or 3.7% higher than the prior year. This is the second consecutive year that the District Equalized Assessed Value (EAV) has increased from the prior year – 1.95% (14-15) 1.96% (15-16).
Under revenue limits, as property valuations increase, the mill rate may decrease due to the total levy being divided over a larger total worth. The District’s tax rate will increase for 2016, due mainly to an increase in equalized value and a decrease in state aid.
The School Board approved an $8.76 tax rate for 2016, which is an increase from last year’s tax rate of $8.61. Taxpayers will see an increased mill rate of 15 cents per $1,000 of assessed value due to a decrease in state aid and an increase in property values.
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