October 2019
October 2019 Calendar
Spirit Week - Wear your favorite sports team gearAll Day
2nd grade Field Trip to Lannon QuarryAll Day
Kdg walk to Fire StationAll Day
Spirit Week - Wear your favorite super heroAll Day
School Store 8:15-8:35All Day
Spirit Week - Support our high schools wear East or West ColorsAll Day
McParents Meeting 7:00 in McLane LibraryAll Day
4th grade going to Columns Concert 10:00All Day
No SchoolAll Day
Kdg field trip to Cedarburg Pumpkin PatchAll Day
4th grade Field Trip to Stoney Hill Mrs. Reinert/Mrs. MagnumAll Day
4th grade Field Trip to Stony Hill Mrs. DeutschAll Day
4th grade Field Trip to Stony Hill - Mrs. Guzan and Mrs. SporsAll Day
McParents Trunk or Treat 6:00-7:00All Day
Fun Run/Walk 5:00-5:30All Day
Picture RetakeAll Day
School Store 8:15-8:35All Day
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