McLane Elementary School McLane Elementary School Logo
As a new parent or a returning parent to McLane School, we would like to welcome and introduce you to our parent group, McParents! McParents conducts a meeting each school month in McLane's second floor media center (school library).  Meetings start at 7:00 PM and child care is provided!

We are always happy to see new faces and welcome new input and ideas. Come join us! 

McParents sponsors many activities throughout the year, with the following objectives in mind:
  • To encourage parent involvement in school activities. 
  • To establish a means of communication between parents, teachers, administrators, and students. 
  • To act as a resource group of volunteers and funds.

Look for our monthly newsletter to help keep you informed about upcoming events and when and where you can help out. REMEMBER, McParents is YOU!

McParent Information

McParents Secretary (Two-Year McParents Board Position)
McParents Vice President ( Two-Year McParents Board Position)  
Pizza Fundraiser Nights Coordinator (September, January, and March Commitment)
Book Giveaway (September and June Commitment, Minimal Year-Round Commitment)
Contact: Susie Starch

Ice Cream Social Games Coordinator (April and May Commitment)
Contact: Sara Ruiz

McParents Meeting Dates

McParents meetings will be the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm.   Meetings are held in the McLane library (second floor), and child care is provided.



Request for Volunteers

Volunteer Requirements

Do you plan on volunteering in our district this year? Has it been three years since you last updated your application?

Please be sure you are registered with district! A volunteer is "anyone who provides unpaid assistance for the WBSD more than three times in a school year and/or anyone who is a chaperone on a field trip or school event."  

WBSD Volunteers must: 
- Complete a WBSD Volunteer Application and be approved into the program
- Have no record of felony convictions, crimes against a child, or requirement to register as a sex offender
- Reapply every three school years to continue in the program
For more info and links to the volunteer forms, please go to 



Yearbook Coordinator(s) Needed!! 

Special project that allows coordinators to exercise their design skills in creating a fun yearbook for McLane students. 

The project runs throughout the school year (yearbooks due to publisher by early April)

Sort and distribute books at end of school year







Susie Starch

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