East High School East High School Logo

Please review the detailed WBHS Clubs and Co-Curricular Activities Guidebook for a description of each entity and contact information. 

Arbiter Sports (FamilyID registration) is linked here.

Please check with Molly Hengst at mhengst@wbsd-schools.org or 262-335-5591 with questions. 

Art Club   
​​​​Mrs. Prahl, Mrs. Wolff and Ms. Schread

dprahl@wbsd-schools.orgjschread@wbsd-schools.org ,

Mrs. Mooney nmooney@wbsd-schools.org

Black Student Council
Mr. Wallace mwallace@wbsd-schools.org

Key Club   
Ms. Dougherty hdougherty@wbsd-schools.org

WB3 (Brass Band) 
Mr. Murphy cdmurphy@wbsd-schools.org

Latino Student Union 
Ms. Heuer sheuer@wbsd-schools.org

Brass, Wind, and Fire! 
Mr. Eric Coombs ecoombs@wbsd-schools.org
Mr. Murphy cdmurphy@wbsd-schools.org

Mock Trial   
Mr. Drake mdrake@wbsd-schools.org

Chamber Music - Band   
Mr. Eric Coombs ecoombs@wbsd-schools.org

Mr. Murphy cdmurphy@wbsd-schools.org

Model United Nations 
Mr. Drake mdrake@wbsd-schools.org

Chamber Music - Orchestra 
Ms. Krueger-Olson mkruegerolson@wbsd-schools.org

Mu Alpha Theta   
Mr. Soden jsoden@wbsd-schools.org

Chess Club
Mr. Muehlbauer rmuehlbauer@wbsd-schools.org

Multicultural Club   
Ms. Simond/Mrs. Breit wbhsclub@gmail.com

Comic Book Club
Mr. Gloyd dgloyd@wbsd-schools.org

Mr. Gehrman mgehrman@wbsd-schools.org

Debate (East and West)
Mr. Knetzger jknetzger@wbsd-schools.org

Peers 4 Peers   
Mrs. Monday kmonday@wbsd-schools.org

DND Club
Mr. Schauer nschauer@wbsd-schools.org

Pit Orchestra   

Drama Club   
Mr. Barnard mbarnard@wbsd-schools.org
Ms. Wolff mwolff@wbsd-schools.org

Pops Orchestra  
Ms. Krueger-Olson mkruegerolson@wbsd-schools.org

Fall Play   
Mr. Barnard mbarnard@wbsd-schools.org

Psi Alpha (National Honor Society for Psychology) 
Ms. Flitter jflitter@wbsd-schools.org

Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) 
Ms. Holtzer aholtzer@wbsd-schools.org
Mr. Heiting nheiting@wbsd-schools.org

Mr. Coombs ecoombs@wbsd-schools.org

FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes)
Mrs. Hughes khughes@wbsd-schools.org
Ms. Pudwell spudwell@wbsd-schools.org

SAGA (Sexuality & Gender Alliance)   
Mr. Hendricks lhendricks@youthandfamilyproject.org
Mrs. Proudfoot mproudfoot@wbsd-schools.org, Alexandra Schloemer, Lexi Dyson

Mrs. Albanil malbanil@wbsd-schools.org

S.E.E.D. (Environmental Group)   
Mr. Delain pdelain@wbsd-schools.org
Mr. Olson ryolson@wbsd-schools.org

First Robotics  
Mr. Schauer 

Skills USA   
Mr. Bentdahl mbentdahl@wbsd-schools.org
Mr. Schauer nschauer@wbsd-schools.org

Fishing Club   
Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Rathsack ryjohnson@wbsd-schools.org

Slow Running Club
Ms. Schread jschread@wbsd-schools.org

Forensics (East and West)   
Mr. Wyatt dwyatt@wbsd-schools.org

Student Council (WBSC)
Mr. Reysen, Ms. Ehlke, Mr. Clark 

French Club   
Mrs. Fischer fischerc@wbsd-schools.org

Wisconsin Civics Games 
Mr. Drake mdrake@wbsd-schools.org

Handbell Choir
Ms. Wysocky kwysocky@wbsd-schools.org

Youth Impact Club "Hope Squad" 
Mrs. Hoogester mhoogester@wbsd-schools.org
Mrs. Schumacher dschumacher@wbsd-schools.org

H.E.R.O./Culinary Arts   
Ms. Heuer sheuer@wbsd-schools.org





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