East High School East High School Logo

Our School

Together, the talented students and staff of West Bend East High School believe in the power of relationships. This encompassing commitment allows for an inclusive environment where students can comfortably challenge their minds while nurturing their interests.

Enrollment: 848
Mascot: Suns
Colors: maroon and gold

west bend east

Our Schools

West Bend East High School is located in the same building as West Bend West
High School. Having two high schools in one building provides economies of scale that
results in more class choices, clubs, co-curriculars, and athletics that are not available
at most area high schools.

The high school to which students are assigned is based on the birthdate of the oldest
child in the family. If that date is an even number, the children attend East High School.
If that date is an uneven number, they attend West High School. January 31, March 31,
and May 31 birthdates are assigned to East High School. Birthdates of July 31, August 31, October 31, and December 31 are assigned to West High School. 

Review the West Bend School Board Policy #432 on school attendance for more
information, including intra-district transfer details.

both high school logos

Our Academics

Students have a wide variety of classes to choose from and distinct opportunities to prepare for the career of their choice. The wealth of Career and Technical Education classes not only cover several interest areas, but includes a variety of clubs related to CTE.

There are various ways for students to gain college credit while in high school. We offer 24 Advanced Placement classes (two additional courses will be added in 2023-2024), and other opportunities in the Career Prep, Early College Credit, and Start College Now programs.

The 2024-2025 Course Planning Guide provides a detailed view of all the classes and related details.

Learning takes place in a variety of situations, environments, and locations. Through the West Bend Virtual Academy, a program within West Bend Schools, students have access to a virtual education opportunity to meet their needs.

high school academics

Our Performance

In 2025 U.S. News and World Report rankings, East High School ranked 36th among
462 public high schools in the State of Wisconsin. 

The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction issues report cards each year for all
schools and school districts in Wisconsin. For the 2023-2024 school year, East High
School earned a Meets Expectations rating and a 63.6 score on the Wisconsin DPI Report Card. Review the full report card. Go to the DPI website for more information. 

Performance information is available from the DPI at WISEdash and Wisedash support


east performance


Our AP Results

As of October 2023, of 400 eligible Wisconsin schools, just 24% earned a place on the 2023 AP School Honor Roll. West Bend East High School earned the Bronze level of distinction.

The AP School Honor Roll recognizes schools whose AP programs are delivering wide-reaching results for their students including:

  • 40% or more of graduating cohort took at least 1 AP Exam during high school.
  • 25% or more of the graduating cohort scored a 3 or higher on at least 1 AP Exam during high school.
  • 2% or more of the graduating cohort took 5 or more AP Exams during high school. At least 1 of those exams was taken in 9th or 10th grade, so that students are spreading their AP experience across grades rather than feeling disproportionate pressure in any single year.
AP honor roll image

Our Social Media

We share the great things going on at our school as well as events and special announcements on our social media. Search "West Bend East High School" and "West Bend East High School Athletics" on Facebook. 

EAst social media


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