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Bill Beilfuss Receives Staff Award

Congratulations to Bill Beilfuss, WBSD school nutrition delivery truck driver, for being selected for one of the Support Employee of the Year awards.  Bill’s commitment to the school nutrition department is extraordinary. He believes school lunch plays an important role in student success.  Bill has been with the WBSD for 13 years. 

WB COLUMNS Awards Scholarships

Members of WB COLUMNS reported that $646,000 in scholarships were awarded to 161 Graduating seniors from the Class of 2016. WB Columns is the largest high school scholarship program in the Midwest. Scholarships are made available through the Ziegler Family Foundation, Rolls Foundation, Norbert J. Fahey Memorial Foundation, WB COLUMNS Foundation, school generated opportunities and community groups. This year nine new scholarships were available for students. Thank you WB COLUMNS!

WBHS FBLA Headed to Nationals

Congratulations to the following students who recently placed at the Wisconsin State Future Business Leaders of America Conference

1st PLACE IN HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT*: Ryan Lucka, Beth Williams, and Rachel Uhren


3rd PLACE IN ECONOMICS*: Adam Gergetz

4th PLACE IN ECONOMICS*: Addison McGhee


*Will compete at National FBLA competition in Atlanta Georgia in June)

A Growth Mindset

Continuously Improving English Language Arts 7-12 in the West Bend School District:

Results of the 2015 spring Wisconsin State Assessments (Badger Exam, ACT/Aspire, ACT) in the subject area of English Language Arts 7-12, indicate that students in the West Bend School District (WBSD) demonstrate proficiency levels slightly above the state average as referenced in the graphs below.

To strengthen student readiness in the skill areas of reading, writing, and English (grammar), the WBSD established an English/Language Arts (ELA) Goal Team during the fall of 2015 comprised of ELA teachers from Badger and the high schools and district Instructional Literacy Leaders to focus on the following tasks:

  • review student performance data
  • review curriculum standards
  • review current curriculum for grades 7-11
  • review current instructional practices
  • recommend improvement opportunities to ELA design for grades 7-11

After reviewing the work of the ELA Goal Team from semester 1 of the 2015-2016 school year, the Instructional Leadership Team recommended that the team further investigate redesign of the English Language Arts curriculum utilizing the Engage New York framework to fit the needs of the WBSD starting with the fall of 2016 for the following five course variations:

  • ELA 7 (Badger)
  • ELA 8 (Badger)
  • English I (High Schools)
  • English II (High Schools)
  • English III (High Schools)

The ELA Goal Team and Instructional Leadership Team are not redesigning or modifying the Advanced Placement (AP) English courses or 9-12 English elective courses at this time.

The Engage New York ELA curriculum framework originally developed by the New York State Education Department is now published by Jossey-Bass (Wiley) as Paths to College and Career (PCG).  The rigorous framework was designed to allow for adaptation and flexibility in each classroom, while providing a focus on strong instructional practice and student experiences with college and career ready skills.  The curriculum empowers educators to implement and adapt the material to best support students with the English (grammar), reading, and writing skills that are necessary for career and college success while utilizing varied classic and contemporary selections, as well as fictional and informational text.

To prepare for the 2016-17 school year, the ELA Goal Team is customizing the framework, selecting curriculum resources, and deciding on the pacing of each unit/module.  In addition, the WBSD will provide teachers with on-going professional development and one-on-one instructional coaching during the 2016-17 school year. Currently, ELA teachers in 7th and 8th grade will use the customized modules during the fourth quarter of the 2015-16 school year to familiarize themselves with the new framework and provide improvement opportunities based upon their experiences with the framework. 

Student Artists Recognized

Congratulations to WBSD student artists who were among the top winners for the UWWC Festival of Arts Student Art Contest! The Festival of Arts takes place on Saturday, April 9 from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. at the University of Wisconsin Washington County, 400 University Drive, West Bend.

A total of 220 middle school entries were received from 16 area middle schools, and a total of 164 high school entries were received from 12 area high schools. Only 15 entries per school at both the high school and middle school levels will be displayed at the Festival of Arts.  

A special awards ceremony will take place at 12 p.m. on Saturday, April 9 in the campus theatre. Recognition to first, second, third and fourth place winners will be made at the middle and high school levels. A PowerPoint presentation recognizing all student artists as well as photography contest winners will be shown. Everyone is welcome.

Best in Show – Middle School Level Painting, Jasmyne Beasler, Grade 8, Badger Middle School


Drawing 4th Place, Lorelei Davis, Grade 7, Badger Middle School

Photography & Digital Illustration 3rd Place, Odessa Dalton, Grade 8, Badger Middle School

Honorable Mentions:

3D Media, Anna Prahl, Grade 8 Badger Middle School

Collage & Print Making, Evelyn Deluka, Grade 5, Silverbrook Intermediate School


Best in Show - High School Collage/Printmaking, Naomi Loduha, Grade 11, West High School

Collage/Printmaking – Second Place, Kiera Fischer, Grade 10, West High School

Painting – First Place, Cera Propper, Grade 12, West High School

3D Media – First Place, Lisa Flynn, Grade 11, West High School

Honorable Mentions:

Amelia Hansen, Grade 12, West High School 

Rebekah Morici, Grade 9, West High School 

Hannah Nehmer, Grade 11, East High School 

Say Congrats to Graduates!

Grad Grams are a personalized way to inspire, congratulate, and celebrate graduates of West Bend East and West High Schools. Each GRAD GRAM is like a greeting card that includes a personalized message, decorated if you wish, and returned to any school in the district. The collected pages are assembled into personalized booklets that are given to each graduating senior in their home base prior to the graduation ceremony. Grad Grams cost two for $1. All the money raised from the sale of Grad Grams will benefit the Compass Program at West Bend East & West High Schools, which is designed to proactively provide positive behavioral interventions and supports for students.  Visit the GRAD GRAMS WEBPAGE for more information.

The Dark Side of Digital Technology

The Dark Side of Digital Technology: Internet, Cell Phones, and Social Media will be presented on April 14, 2016, at 6:30 p.m. in The Silver Lining Arts Center. While digital technology offers a world of communication, education, and entertainment options for our youth, it also has a dark and dangerous side we must be aware of.  This fast-paced presentation takes an in-depth look into the latest trends in digital exploitation of children. Eric Szatkowski, Special Agent with the Wisconsin Department of Justice/Division of Criminal Investigation, will facilitate this valuable presentation, which is sponsored by Friends of Abused Families.


Superintendent of Schools Position

The West Bend School District has partnered with School Exec Connect to recruit our new Superintendent.  If you are interested in applying for the position, please click on the following icon or link below. Please use our website to find key information about our District.  Information about West Bend can be found on the West Bend Chamber of Commerce website.


Curriculum Collaboration

English teachers from the English Language Arts (ELA) Goal Team in grades 9-12 spent the past two days working together to continue working on curriculum improvements for the 2016-17 school year, led by Nan Lustig, Literacy Learning Specialist. “We’re infusing the 9-12 English curriculum with engaging texts,” said Megan Coultas, a West English teacher. “Our objective is to foster student growth, cultivate curiosity, and prepare students for excellence.” 

Patricia McIntyre, also a West English teacher said, “The work we are doing is important in honoring the standards with fidelity, while ensuring an engaging experience for students of all interest and ability levels.”  Stay tuned for more updates from the ELA Goal Team.

Mesko Selected for Herb Kohl Fellowship

The selection committee for the Herb Kohl Educational Foundation Fellowship Program announced that Jennifer Mesko, a speech therapist at West Bend West High School, has been selected as a recipient of the 2016 Herb Kohl Fellowship.

The Herb Kohl Educational Foundation Fellowship program rewards teachers who have demonstrated superior ability to inspire love of learning in their students, have motivated others, and have provided meritorious service both inside and outside the classroom. The Herb Kohl Educational Foundation will award Mesko a $3,000 grant, and an additional $3,000 grant will be awarded to West Bend East High School.

“Throughout my career as a speech therapist, I have known that I am in the field of educating to make a difference with some of our most challenging students,” Mesko said. “I have continuously pursued trainings, courses, and seminars that have facilitated a greater understanding of trauma, poverty, and behavior/truancy challenges. I truly believe in the power of connecting with students. Building relationships is the foundation of education. Without that foundation, many students struggle to connect, struggle to be intrinsically motivated and struggle to succeed.”

Fellowship recipients are selected by a statewide committee composed of civic leaders, and representatives of education-related associations and the program’s co-sponsors: The Wisconsin Newspaper Association Foundation, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, Wisconsin Council of Religious and Independent Schools (WCRIS), and regional Cooperative Educational Service Agencies (CESA).

The Kohl Foundation Scholarship and Fellowship program was established by Herb Kohl, U.S. Senator (Retired), in 1990. To date the foundation has awarded more than $8.2 million to Wisconsin educators, students and schools. “Education is the key to the future of Wisconsin and our nation. I am very proud of the accomplishments of these students and teachers, and look forward to the great contributions they will make in the future,” Kohl said.

Senator Kohl will present the award to Mesko at the regional luncheon on Saturday, April 16 at Kimberly High School.  

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