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July 05, 2017 Syndicated from EHS

Last week, five East and West students, packed their bags and flew to Anaheim, CA to compete in the 2017 Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) National Competition! 

Accompanied by their advisor Allie Holtzer, the fantastic five joined 12,000 students from across the world for several days of competition, networking, learning opportunities and a little bit of fun! The FBLA program provides students with a unique opportunity to develop leadership and business skills that can be used in a variety of careers.

The East and West student participants included:

  • Kara Conley
  • Claire Frick
  • Victoria Hunt
  • Adam Lucka
  • Kelsey Nowack

WBSD-East+West FBLA NAtionals

Special congratulations to Claire, who placed 4th in the nation in the elite category of Future Business Leader! 

WBSD-Claire Frick FBLA


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