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October 26, 2016 Syndicated from District

The Board of Education for the West Bend School District unanimously approved to certify the 2017 tax levy in the amount of $ 38,478,702 at the October 24, 2016, Board of Education meeting. The approved levy is $546,755, or 1.44% higher than the prior year and is the maximum limit allowed.


Under revenue limits, as property valuations increase, the mill rate may decrease due to the total levy being divided over a larger total worth.  This is the third consecutive year that the District’s Equalized Assessed Value (EAV) has increased from the prior year – 1.95% (14-15), 1.96% (15-16), 2.76% (16-17). The District’s tax rate will decrease for 2017, mainly due to an increase in equalized assessed value and an increase in the state aid allocation.  


The School Board approved a tax rate of $8.65 for 2017, which is a decrease of 1.26% from last year’s tax rate of $8.76.  Taxpayers will see a decrease in the average mill rate of 11 cents per $1,000 of assessed value.



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