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February 12, 2016 Syndicated from EHS

WBHS Snowcoming, formerly known as Winter Formal or Charity Ball, will be held February 27, 2016. Snowcoming spirit week, formerly Charity Week, will be held the week of February 22 – 26, with a different charity fundraiser each day, themed dress-up days, a pep rally on Friday, and East vs. West Basketball on Thursday night. Stay tuned for more info on this fun filled week.

If a GUEST PASS is needed, please complete and return to the high school office for administrative approval before the end of the day on Thursday, February 25, 2016. Guests must be at least in the 9th grade. Guests must either be presently enrolled in high school or be a high school graduate. Guests must present a valid student ID or driver's license at the door, and have it available upon request during the evening.

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