Order your West High School apparel and/or joint East/West apparel online and $1 from each purchase will come back to West Athletics and directly benefit our kids. Orders accepted through February 23, 2015.
To receive your participation card, you must have the following:
- Physical dated after 4-1-13, or an alternate year form
- Emergency form
- Handbook acknowledgement form signed by parent and athlete
- $150 fee
Turn these items in to the athletic office ONLY.
If you participated in a winter sport, please take a few minutes to complete the WINTER SPORT SURVEY. Your feedback is critical to help us strengthen the athletic programs at West Bend East High School.
East and West High Schools are two separate high schools located in the same building. Because of this dynamic, it is important that students and families are familiar with the WIAA guidelines regarding recruitment of student-athletes.
Starting with the 2015-16 school year, eighth-grade students can choose to transfer to the high school opposite their assigned high school through a formal application process. WIAA rules forbid the recruitment of students for athletic reasons.
The specific rule states:
“No eligibility will be granted for a student whose residence within a school’s attendance boundaries, with or without parents, or whose attendance at a school has been the result of undue influence (special consideration due to athletic ability or potential) on the part of any person, whether or not connected with the school.”
It is important to note that people not connected with the school can violate the rule, resulting in a loss of eligibility for the student-athlete. It is unacceptable for any individual to contact a student due to athletic ability or potential, and encourage attendance at a specific school.
It is the expectation of both East and West High School athletic offices that all guidelines are followed. Please contact the athletic office if further clarification is needed.
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