West Volleyball Fights Back
West High School Volleyball team is raising awareness and funds for breast cancer research by selling exclusively designed T-shirts for both the Lynn LaPorte Sprawl volleyball tournament, held on Sept. 26-27 at the WBHS Fieldhouse and also the East/West volleyball match, held on September 18 at the WBHS Fieldhouse.
T-shirt orders for the East/West match cost $8/each (sizes sm-xl) and are due in the athletic office by Sept. 9.
T-shirt orders for the Lynn LaPorte Sprawl cost $10/each (sizes sm-xl) and are due in the athletic office by Sept. 17.
To receive your participation card, you must have the following:
- Physical dated after 4-1-13, or an alternate year form
- Emergency form
- Handbook acknowledgement form signed by parent and athlete
- $150 fee
Turn these items in to the athletic office ONLY.
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