Amber Terlinden
Attendance Secretary
Reporting an Absence
When reporting a student absence, please call before 8 a.m. so that the teachers and staff will be aware of the student's absence. Absences can be reported by calling 335-5500 or emailing If a student is marked absent and we have not heard from any family members, the absence is marked as U-UN, which means Unexcused-Unknown. This code will then trigger an auto call that goes out at 10:30 a.m. as well as further communication via email and phone from our attendance secretary.
If an absence is related to a medical appointment, you are encouraged to obtain a doctor's note/excuse. By obtaining a note, that particular absence will be exempt. The absence is marked as X-ME, which means Exempt-Medical Excuse. An excuse can be submitted to the attendance secretary by having it faxed over by the medical provider's office to 262-335-5610, sending it via email to, or handing it in directly to the main office.
Student Pre-Plan Request
In case of an extended absence, such as a vacation, please complete a STUDENT PRE-PLAN FORM. The completed form should be returned to the main office prior to the absence.
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