Dear Fair Park Families:
Our commitment to excellence begins with our faculty. Fair Park’s dedicated teams of teachers and support staff take pride in bringing the joy of learning into the daily lives of our students.
Our students are in a learning environment which includes the Benchmark Reading system as a strong component of our balanced literacy program and Bridges in Mathematics as comprehensive PK–5 curriculum in a manner that is rigorous, coherent, engaging, and accessible to all learners. Across the content areas and throughout the day, our students are developing communication skills, analytical thinking, and opportunities to use creativity that will prepare them to be successful citizens of the 21st century.
The Responsive Classroom approach teaches our students to act responsibly and to treat each other with respect. As a school community, we approach discipline with positive behavioral supports. With the help of our mascot, Fair Park Freddy the Falcon, we strive each day to “Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and Be Ready to learn.”
A strong school and family partnership in this endeavor is critical and we are fortunate to have tremendous support from our community. Our PTO is an integral part of our school community. The talent and resources that the PTO brings to our school enriches the lives of all our students.
It is a privilege to serve the community of West Bend as principal of Fair Park and I look forward to building relationships with your child and your family.
Tristan Hayes
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