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2016 WBHS Scholarship Recipients

Local family foundations, corporations, community organizations, civic organizations, and the COLUMNS Foundation awarded over $646,000 to graduating seniors of the West Bend high schools at the Scholarship/Awards Night, which was held on Wednesday, June 1 at 7 p.m. in The Silver Lining Arts Center.   SEE FULL LIST OF SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS

Recipients were selected by the scholarship organizations, not by school personnel and are listed below. This list does reflect the many seniors who have received additional scholarships (Academic Excellence Scholarships, academic and athletic scholarships and grants offered by specific colleges & universities, scholarships, and grants offered by State officials, scholarships offered by various local and non-local organizations, anonymous scholarships, etc.). 

The Ziegler Family Foundation (each will receive $30,000):       

East High School: Morgan Dommisse, Ryan Lucka & Andrew Steiner

West High School: Alexis Johnson & Matthew Stoll


The Rolfs Educational Foundation (each will receive $28,000):

East High School:  Alysia Santamaria & Gabrielle Wanasek                             

West High School:  Noah Barnes     


The West Bend Clinic selected the following students to receive the Norbert J. Fahey Memorial – St. Joseph’s Hospital Foundation ($25,000 Scholarships):

East High School:  Emmalee Ciriacks

West High School: Rachel Kruepke                                                                          


The COLUMNS-Oscar and Augusta Schlegel Foundation (each will receive $16,000):

East High School:  Abigail Janto                  

West High School:  Lauren Sorensen


The Suder-Pick Foundation (each will receive $16,000):

East High School:   Adam Gergetz & James Griffin

West High School:  Ifeoluwa Ekunsanmi & Aimee Solheim


West Bend Mutual Insurance Company ($10,000):
East High School:  Elizabeth Williams




East/West Named Pacesetter Schoo

The Wisconsin Advanced Placement Advisory Council (WAPAC) selected East and West High Schools as Level two Advanced Placement Pacesetter schools for impressive Advanced Placement (AP) access and excellence for students’ AP exam scores in the State of Wisconsin during the 2015-16 school year.

Pacesetter schools are recognized for providing impressive student access to AP courses and posted excellent exam results. The WAPAC Pacesetter Award is based on WISEdash data released from the Department of Public Instruction, and allows WAPAC to recognize AP Exam Participation (access) first, and AP Percent of Exams scored three or above (Excellence), second.

WAPAC created a three-level award structure for its Pacesetter recognition.

Level 1: Percent taking exams > 30 percent and percent of scores three or above >70 percent

Level 2: Percent taking exams >20 percent and percent of scores three or above > 65 percent

Level 3: Percent taking exams > 10 percent and percent of scores three or above > 60 percent


Data from 422 school districts in Wisconsin was used to determine the WAPAC Pacesetter schools and is available at



2015 Pacesetter Schools

2014 Pacesetter Schools

Level 1



Level 2



Level 3




The Wisconsin Advanced Placement Advisory Council is comprised of Wisconsin secondary and collegiate educators who are dedicated to expanding access to AP coursework and rigorous learning for all college bound students.

The Pacesetter Award is unique to Wisconsin and emerged from WAPAC members who felt that many outstanding school districts in the state lacked recognition for AP excellence. In particular, WAPAC was interested in highlighting districts that are seldom recognized for their excellence in AP. 

Superintendent Hire Update

After a three-month search and recruiting process, the West Bend School District Board of Education has made its preliminary decision to extend an offer for the Superintendent of Schools position.
The board understands the importance of giving this process the highest level of attention and will conduct a thorough background check, along with a complete credentials review prior to making a formal offer to the preferred candidate. The final negotiated contract will be reviewed and approved by the school district’s attorney to assure it meets all statutory and legal requirements. 
It is expected that the new superintendent will be announced by June 15, 2016, and will officially assume duties on July 1, 2016.
Rick Parks, President of the West Bend School Board, commented, “I am pleased with the work the board has completed on this search and am grateful for the many hours they all devoted to this. Partnering with our recruiter, School Exec Connect, and including the community, parents, teachers, support staff and administrators in the process gave the board important insight on the qualities and experience needed by our new Superintendent. The candidate pool was strong and the process will result in an outstanding hire.”

Finalists Announced for Superintendent

West Bend School District Announces Finalists for Superintendent of Schools Search

The West Bend School Board has selected three final candidates for the position of Superintendent of Schools.

The Board conducted a comprehensive search in partnership with the professional recruiting firm, School Exec Connect. Feedback from a community survey and several focus groups was used to help develop a profile of key skills and attributes desired for the next superintendent. Initial interviews were held with the board and finalists were selected.

Finalists for the position include:

• Dr. Dean Gorrell, current Superintendent of the Verona Area School District, Verona, Wisconsin

• Dr. Brenda Lewis, current Assistant Superintendent of the Rochester Public Schools, Rochester, Minnesota

• Mr. Erik Olson, current Assistant Superintendent of Operations and Continuous Improvement of the Sun Prairie Area School District, Sun Prairie, Wisconsin

Finalists will tour the school district on Thursday, June 2, 2016. That evening, they will present to various members of the focus groups that helped develop the recruitment profile, and meet with district administrators and principals. Finalists will also participate in a second interview with the Board.

Next steps for the Board will include a review of feedback from the teams that evening, followed by a background check, and contract development. The Board anticipates announcing the next superintendent in early June.


East Athletics



2016-17 Budget Presentation

With a focus on protecting student offerings and programs, Ted Neitzke, Superintendent of Schools, presented the 2016-17 Superintendent Budget recommendation to the Board at the May 23, 2016, Board of Education meeting.  In his presentation, Neitzke described the budget process for finding efficiencies, detailed budgetary adjustments, and outlined assumptions the administrative team used to build the overall budget.  Neitzke said the budget was built conservatively, with assumptions of maintaining academic and athletic offerings and keeping the Jackson Elementary fund on schedule.  There is also no increase in student fees in the 2017-17 proposed budget.  

The Board will vote on the preliminary budget at the June 13, 2016, Board meeting.  The WBSD Annual Meeting will be held on September 19 at The Silver Lining Arts Center.  The Board will certify the levy at the October 24 Board meeting.  

Additional highlights of the 2016-17 proposed budget include:

  • Balanced
  • No projected reductions in programming, athletics or courses
  • Commitment to Continuous Improvement
  • Fully funding 4K using fund balance
  • Increased course offerings at high school and middle school
  • Compensation increase of 1 percent
  • Funds for Jackson Elementary School
  • Increase in student accessible technology
  • Increase of 4 percent for the maintenance fund
  • Increase healthcare/prescription drugs by 2.67 percent
  • Decrease contribution to Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) trust due to Tax Sheltered Annuity (TSA) strategy
  • Department and site reductions
  • Staffing held at 70 percent of budget (unknown until October)

A Special Note

A huge thank you to Mrs. Konrath and her Badger band students for joining the efforts of the cast of the middle school play, Treasure Island, to help WBHS Drama Club member, Kyle Koenig, who is battling a rare form of bone cancer. After learning about the special production of Treasure Island this past weekend, Mrs. Konrath asked cast members to share their experiences working for something bigger than themselves with fellow band members. For the next two days, Mrs. Konrath matched donations from band members, dollar-for-dollar, and then presented $393.79 to Tonya Fordham, Drama Club Director, bringing the total donation for Kyle to $4,218.58.

Graduation DVD

Graduation DVD’s are for sale for $5. Please pre-order a DVD through the bookkeeper’s office by contacting

Star Search! - May 25 @ 7 p.m.

If you like American Idol, America’s Got Talent, Glee or the Voice, you will love Star Search!  On Wednesday, May 27 at 7 p.m., in The Silver Lining Arts Center, the choirs of East and West High Schools, under the direction of Karen Wysocky, will be on a star search for the best high school choir, male, and female soloists, and best instrumentalist and lip sync group. Tickets cost $5, and can be purchased from the high school bookkeeper or at the box office 45 minutes before the show.

This year’s concert will feature Mixed Choir, Concert Choir and Vivace!  singing favorite hits from the popular Show Glee, as well and favorite pop songs ”Jar of Hearts”, “Flashlight”, ”Eye of the Tiger” and many more!  The concert choir men will also be featured singing “Free Ride”.  It will be a fun evening of entertainment and celebration as this is Miss Wysocky’s last concert before she retires – this one you won’t want to miss!!   Tickets can be bought from the high school bookkeeper, or at the box office 45 minutes before the concert starts.   

Top Honors for WBHS Bands Members

Troy Matenaer, an East senior, and Duwayne Davis, an East junior, were nominated and selected for the Exemplary Soloist Award at State Solo Ensemble, which was held last weekend at Cardinal Stritch University.  Matenaer is one of the WBHS Bands Drumline section leaders. Davis, who also received this award last year, currently plays with the Milwaukee Bucks “Beats” Drumline.  This is a HUGE honor!  

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