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June 07, 2017 Syndicated from District

WBSD - Superintendent OlsonThe end of the 2016-17 academic year has arrived, and I’d be remiss if I didn’t take this opportunity to say a heartfelt THANK YOU.  As I conclude my first year serving this wonderful community, I am pleased with the accomplishments of West Bend School District staff and students, and the support that we have received from our great community.

Thank you to our students for everything that you teach us as administrators, teachers and staff. Your creativity, enthusiasm and dedication is inspirational. Your accomplishments throughout the year are a source of great pride. Continue to practice kindness, leadership and celebrate the diversity that makes each one of you so special!

Congratulations to our 2017 graduates! You have reached an important lifelong milestone and have a blank slate ahead of you - one that I know each one of you will paint full of experiences, life lessons and achievements that shine just as bright as each of you. I’m proud of your accomplishments and wish you nothing but the best as you continue your journey into adulthood!

Thank you to our parents for your unwavering support and involvement. I recognize and appreciate the important role you play in your child’s education. From helping with homework or career planning, attending events, volunteering at the school, providing leadership in PTOs, or attending parent teacher conferences and keeping connected with school staff: your involvement makes a difference.

Thank you to our amazing staff:  administrators, bus drivers, educational assistants, learning coaches, maintenance staff, support staff, school nutrition staff, teachers, and those in educational services center office.  Each of you makes a difference as we strive for our ambitious aim of Excellence for All.  There are so many lessons to be learned both inside and outside of the classroom, and you provide students with many opportunities to blossom into inspired and engaged citizens and community members. I am so grateful for the care, support and guidance that I see demonstrated every day.

To our community members and business partners, I am thankful for your involvement and support in our schools. The commitment demonstrated reinforces my belief that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world.  

Students, staff, parents, community members and businesses are all an important part of the West Bend School District. Thank you for your continuous support and contributions to making our schools the great places they are to learn and grow, work and be.  Wishing all a safe and fun summer!

Erik Olson

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