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May 24, 2016 Syndicated from District

With a focus on protecting student offerings and programs, Ted Neitzke, Superintendent of Schools, presented the 2016-17 Superintendent Budget recommendation to the Board at the May 23, 2016, Board of Education meeting.  In his presentation, Neitzke described the budget process for finding efficiencies, detailed budgetary adjustments, and outlined assumptions the administrative team used to build the overall budget.  Neitzke said the budget was built conservatively, with assumptions of maintaining academic and athletic offerings and keeping the Jackson Elementary fund on schedule.  There is also no increase in student fees in the 2017-17 proposed budget.  

The Board will vote on the preliminary budget at the June 13, 2016, Board meeting.  The WBSD Annual Meeting will be held on September 19 at The Silver Lining Arts Center.  The Board will certify the levy at the October 24 Board meeting.  

Additional highlights of the 2016-17 proposed budget include:

  • Balanced
  • No projected reductions in programming, athletics or courses
  • Commitment to Continuous Improvement
  • Fully funding 4K using fund balance
  • Increased course offerings at high school and middle school
  • Compensation increase of 1 percent
  • Funds for Jackson Elementary School
  • Increase in student accessible technology
  • Increase of 4 percent for the maintenance fund
  • Increase healthcare/prescription drugs by 2.67 percent
  • Decrease contribution to Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) trust due to Tax Sheltered Annuity (TSA) strategy
  • Department and site reductions
  • Staffing held at 70 percent of budget (unknown until October)

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