HEAD START is currently recruiting children ages 3 and 4 (must be at least 3 years of age on or before September 1, 2014) from West Bend, Hartford and outlying areas for the 2014-2015 school year program. Children attend school four 1/2 days per week, Monday through Thursday.
HEAD START helps low-income children, their families, and communities overcome the effects of poverty and helps prepare children to start school.
The HEAD START Program is:
• Education
• Health
• Nutrition
• Parent Involvement
• Social Services
Head Start is a federally funded program provided at no charge to qualifying families.For more information or to register, call the Head Start Program at
the Rolfs Education Center at 335-5472- West Bend.
School Board members for the West Bend School District certified the 2015 tax levy of $36,564,033 at the October 27, 2014 Board of Education meeting. This levy represents a savings of $1.6 million, or 4.21 percent over last year’s levy.
The School Board approved an $8.61 tax rate for 2015, which is a decrease from last year’s tax rate of $9.17. Taxpayers will see a decreased mill rate of 55 cents per $1,000 of assessed value due to an increase in state aid and property values.
The School Board voted unanimously on Monday, October 6, 2014 to keep the separate East and West High School configuration. Results from an online survey of over 2,300 respondents showed 74.1% favored the two high school configuration, with 22.1% favoring combining the two high schools and 3.8% had no preference. The survey closed October 1, 2014.
The West Bend School District received an account ability score of Meets Expectations on the recently released DPI issued Report Card which uses multiple measures of student achievement and engagement to describe performance using data from the 2013-2014 school year. With a score of 71.2 this high rating supports the continuous improvement and strong academic success of students in the West Bend School District.
While assessments and the School Report Cards are important tools, the goal for all West Bend School District schools is to ensure students receive the education they need to prepare them for college readiness and career success. To achieve this, the West Bend School District has implemented strategies to ensure high levels of student achievement:
- School Improvement Work Sessions: Each principal along with a small teacher team analyzes their state report card data and creates a continuous improvement plan (Plan-Do-Study-Act) to identify specific areas for improvement, the strategies the site will utilize to attain the improvement, and progress monitor their desired outcomes and results. This team meets frequently throughout the school year to monitor the overall PDSA improvement plan for the school.
- Classroom Learning Systems: Each classroom teacher deploys the Classroom Learning System framework to monitor the level of learning and attainment of individual students utilizing the PDSA short-cycle for improvement process as well as individual student data notebooks.
- Align By Design/Assessments: Teacher teams along with district leaders continue to analyze and revise district curriculum and assessments to ensure that the West Bend School District curriculum and assessments are tightly aligned to the college and career readiness skills that are measured by the Wisconsin State Report Card.
- Instructional Performance Coaching K-6: Literacy and math instructional coaches provide “just in time” coaching around research based instructional strategies for teachers to maximize the learning and achievement potential of students.
The West Bend School District received an account ability score of Meets Expectations on the recently released DPI issued Report Cards which uses multiple measures of student achievement and engagement to describe performance using data from the 2013-2014 school year. With a score of 71.2 this high rating supports the continuous improvement and strong academic success of students in the West Bend School District.
While assessments and the School Report Cards are important tools, the goal for all West Bend School District schools is to ensure students receive the education they need to prepare them for college readiness and career success. To achieve this, the West Bend School District has implemented strategies to ensure high levels of student achievement:
- School Improvement Work Sessions: Each principal along with a small teacher team analyzes their state report card data and creates a continuous improvement plan (Plan-Do-Study-Act) to identify specific areas for improvement, the strategies the site will utilize to attain the improvement, and progress monitor their desired outcomes and results. This team meets frequently throughout the school year to monitor the overall PDSA improvement plan for the school.
- Classroom Learning Systems: Each classroom teacher deploys the Classroom Learning System framework to monitor the level of learning and attainment of individual students utilizing the PDSA short-cycle for improvement process as well as individual student data notebooks.
- Align By Design/Assessments: Teacher teams along with district leaders continue to analyze and revise district curriculum and assessments to ensure that the West Bend School District curriculum and assessments are tightly aligned to the college and career readiness skills that are measured by the Wisconsin State Report Card.
- Instructional Performance Coaching K-6: Literacy and math instructional coaches provide “just in time” coaching around research based instructional strategies for teachers to maximize the learning and achievement potential of students.
Happy 75th Anniversary!
Celebrate the 75th Anniversary of McLane Elementary School at a Community Open House on Saturday, September 13 from 1 - 4 p.m. Share memories, walk the halls and reminisce with staff and students from the past and present. Please contact Barb Robertson at 262-338-6903 for more information. Watch the WBSD and McLane Facebook pages for interesting facts about McLane.
Electors in the West Bend School District approved a $37.18 million tax levy to support the district's 2014-2015 budget at the 95th Annual Meeting of Electors on Monday, July 21, 2014. This represents a 2.6 percent decrease from last year. The resolution to raise the salary of school board members by $1.000 was voted down and an amended resolution for a $500 increase was approved.
All content areas in the West Bend School District are aligned to the Wisconsin Academic Standards. Wisconsin State Statute 118 requires all local school boards to adopt pupil academic standards in mathematics, science, reading, and writing, geography, and history by August 1, 1998. The West Bend School District adopted the Wisconsin Academic Standards in 1998, and continues to be up to date on any revisions made. Wisconsin has academic standards for 21 separate content areas.
On Monday, June 23, 2014, the Board of Education, along with community members, participated in a work session for a hands-on look at the WBSD iReady Standards.
DPI Memo from Tony Evers, State Superintendent of Schools
Joint Committee on Finance
ELA Common Core Standards
School Accountability Article
Math Common Core Standards
Phyllis Schlafly Report - Common Core
When the Circus Descends