Artwork from WBSD students in grades K-12 will decorate windows along Main Street in downtown West Bend, March 13-27, 2015, for the Mile of Art Show.
The cafeteria at Badger Middle School cafeteria was filled with close to 300 parents and children Wednesday evening, having real conversations about how to handle real-life behaviors and situations middle school students’ face each day.
The second of two FREE workshops offered in partnership by the West Bend School District, the West Bend Police Department and the West Bend Fire Department, Wednesday’s interactive workshop included presentations of real-life situations followed by one-on-one reflection and discussion using guiding questions between parents and their children.
From e-cigarettes, tobacco, peer pressure, alcohol and other drugs, the information presented really hit home with parents and students.
“I learned that my parents won’t act like I think they will, and that I can talk to them and talk to other adults in the school district,” commented one student who attended the workshop. “I got to talk to my parents about things I wouldn’t have at home.”
Another student commented, “I learned that when I’m older, I could come across something dangerous and I will need to always tell someone.”
“I learned how to be able to talk to my parents and how to stay safe.”
Parents found the workshop beneficial as well.
“This session and the first (session), were the most important four hours of our life in many, many years,” said one parent who attended. “We learned so much. I felt connected to my child.”
“This taught me that it IS time to be talking about this stuff with my fifth grader,” said another parent. “I learned new things about my child’s friends.”
“We had very good discussions with our son regarding the many temptations he’ll face and how to make good choices and seek help.”
This is your last chance to order a Badger Middle School yearbook! ORDER ONLINE by February 13 for $12, or with the ORDER FORM for $15.
Mary Poppins will fly into the WBHS Auditorium on February 20 and 21 at 7 p.m., and again on Feb. 21 at 1 p.m.. Tickets for this supercalifragilisticexpialidocious musical are now available at Horicon Bank on Paradise Dr., Westbury Banks (downtown and Jackson), Glacier Hills Credit Union, the high schools Bookkeeping office and the WBSD District office, 735 S. Main St. Tickets cost $10 for adults, $8 for students, $6 for Sr. Citizens (62 and over) and children under 5 years old are free.
With the anticipated cold weather this week, please review the postcard that was mailed to all WBSD families in November with information on how the WBSD makes the decision to close schools during severe winter weather.
This holiday season; thank a special teacher or WBSD staff member who is making a difference to your child. Make a contribution in their name to the West Bend Public Schools Foundation's Holiday Thank You Gift program. Honorees will receive a special “Thank You!” certificate from you. Simply click on the Holiday Thank you GIFT to say thanks and make your donation.
To all qualified electors of West Bend Joint School District No. 1:
A school board election will be held on Tuesday, April 7, 2015 to fill two at-large seats on the West Bend School Board, each with an expiration date of April 2018. Interested individuals are required to file a Declaration of Candidacy form and a Campaign Registration statement. These completed forms can be dropped off at, or mailed to, the Education Service Center, 735 S. Main Street, West Bend (across from Badger Middle School). The deadline for filing is 5 p.m. on Tuesday, January 6, 2015.
If you have any questions, please call 335-5435.
An individual’s true colors shine when there is a major event. Last week, I saw the true colors of this community shine as events at East and West High Schools unfolded. What I observed was our teachers, administrators and staff protecting, persevering, and providing safety in a highly-stressful environment while a very small population of our students were making poor decisions.
I saw the West Bend Police Department immediately, and very calmly, collaborate with our administration and staff, as well as, deputies from the Washington County Sheriff’s department to quickly restore order.
I discussed with parents, who came to the school, the events and watched as they supported their children. I received many texts and emails from leaders of the community offering help and assistance. I spoke with hundreds of students in their classes and lunch periods on Thursday and Friday and heard their own disappointment in the actions of their classmates.
I am sorry that this event occurred. I believe that, as a system, we have learned a lot. We will communicate with our students and staff in new ways to ensure greater understanding of the expectations. We will review our safety procedures and practices. We will create opportunities for feedback. We will continue to focus on providing every child great opportunities.
Thank you to the 2,200 students who made great choices and reflected the expectations of our community. Thank you to the staff who worked with all of our students to create normalcy on a highly abnormal day. Thank you to the law enforcement agencies for their support and extra workload. Thank you to the parents for being understanding and reinforcing expectations with their children. Thank you to the greater West Bend community for showing their true colors by responding and supporting our students and staff.
Ted Neitzke
Superintendent of Schools
The WBHS Culinary Arts & Child Care Skills Classes presents, Breakfast with Santa on Saturday, December 6, 2014 from 8:30 a.m. - 11 a.m. (doors open at 8:15 a.m.) in the West High School Cafeteria. All proceeds benefit the Gingerbread House gift-giving program to aid families in need this holiday season.
Tickets are available at the door and cost:
Ages 2 and under…Free
Ages 3-11…$7
Ages 12 and up…$8
Ages 62 and up…$7
*Price includes: breakfast with Santa, WBHS orchestra, cookie decorating, children’s activities, and a gift for each child.
West Bend High School Drama Club Presents
Sherlock Holmes at UWWC's Theatre on the Hill
Thursday, November 20 @ 7 p.m.
Friday, November 21 @ 7 p.m.
Saturday November 22 @ 2 p.m. and 7 p.m.
Tickets are available at the WBHS Bookkeeping Office and Glacier Hills Credit Union:
Students/Senior Citizens $6
Adults $8