At the beginning of the school year, the Badger Middle School administration team challenged each department to “adopt” a community service project. Due to our school’s long-standing relationship with the local VFW, the Social Studies Department knew we wanted to do something that was veterans-related. With input from our local VFW commander and some research, the social studies teachers chose to sponsor three community service events – fundraising for Camp Hometown Heroes, hosting a Loyalty Day program at Badger Middle School, and hosting a veteran’s panel question-and-answer evening for students and staff.
The fundraiser for Camp Hometown raised $900 in just 2 1/2 weeks. The fundraiser was promoted daily by the Social Studies Department in classrooms, but involved all Badger staff and students. Each social studies teacher had a container in his/her room to collect money, and the teachers encouraged students to drop in any extra change. Our goal was to raise enough money to sponsor one camper.