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March 04, 2015 Syndicated from EHS

WB3 (West Bend High School Brass Band) and Milwaukee’s own, Extra Crispy Brass Band invite you to an EXTRA CRISPY and special performance on March 26 at 7 p.m. to help raise money for the transformation of the 43-year old high school auditorium. Extra Crispy Brass Band, the 2014 Wisconsin Area Music Industry’s “Horn/Big Band of The Year,” will perform their contemporary genre alongside WB3 in the Silver Lining Arts Center at the West Bend High Schools.  Tickets are available at the door and cost $10/adults or $6/students and seniors.  Listen to WB3 HERE.

WB3, composed entirely of West Bend High School musicians, is one of many extra-curricular groups meets each week after school to rehearse.  What was once a Dixieland band is now a funk, jazz, and hip-hop-influenced New Orleans-style band that performs a mix of original compositions and arrangements from some of the more popular groups in the genre like Youngblood Brass Band, Hypnotic Brass Band, Dirty Dozen Brass Band, and music by artists of very different genres converted to brass band tunes (Jackson 5, Led Zepplin).  


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