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Please visit this page for information, links and help guides covering a wide variety of technological tools students and staff can utilize in the district. 



How to Publish a Course

How to combine multiple Canvas courses into one - Document

Video on how to combine multiple Canvas classes into one class

How to copy materials from one Canvas class to another

How do I leave audio or video feedback in Canvas


Google Apps Training Center

Information on learning Google Apps and how to apply it in your classroom

How do I become a Google Educator, Google Certified Trainer or a Google Certified Teacher?


Tech Tip Tuesday Links!

Dualless - Splits Google chrome into two different windows side by side. Great tool for mirroring the style of online assessments. 

Kahoot - Online quiz program works on all devices - Great for BYOD.

Nearpod - Online interactive presentation and assessment tool. - Great for BYOD.

Remind - Great communication tool that sends text message reminders/announcements to students and parents.

Pixlr Editor - Online photo editor that is an app built into Chrome. The app can be tied to your Google account so you can pull photos from your Google Drive.






DataDirector™, is a web-based data management and assessment system that allows you to view, disaggregate, and analyze student data. 


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