Parents are encouraged to visit school at any time. However, teachers appreciate knowing in advance when parents are planning to visit. Please call 335-5455 and set up a visitation time to avoid scheduling conflicts.
To ensure safety and avoid disrupting school activities, we have established the following guidelines.
- Visitors must check in at the school office or reception area
- Beginning January 2, 2020, all visitors to the schools and the Education Service Center will need to show a government-issued ID to enter the buildings. The ID will be scanned and the photo will be used on a visitor badger that must be worn at all times. If someone is staying briefly only in the lobby of a school to drop-off or pick-up, they do not need to show the ID but must stay in the lobby.
- Principals may prohibit or discourage visits when students are being tested and other times when visits may disrupt school activities.
- Parents/guardians who wish to discuss a student’s progress should request a meeting in advance, held outside of regular school hours.
Anyone who disrupts school operations, damages school property, or poses a risk to the students, staff, or the school may be asked to leave school property. A principal has the authority to prohibit such persons from attending school events or coming on school property.